Learn how very savvy business leaders keeps their best as employees even after they leave the company!
Also the first ever Media Musings segment! Learn about how Horizon New Dawn is the most beautiful and one of the best written Sci Fi stories ever!
Media Musings: Horizon New Dawn
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
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Description: It's not terrorists or mechanical issues that make air travel a minefield for Professionals, but the airports themselves! Listen and find out why for pleasure or work travel, how to avoid getting caught in bombs of convenience!
Who am I: I love long drives by myself, like really long drives. Like really really long drives. Find out why!
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
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Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Description: Learn about how we can turn every career into an Encore Career. There are only a few big areas to address, the challenge is that these areas of life are very big and hard to change.
Gadget: Vizio 2.1 Sound Stand
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Description: A shorter show that touches on the struggles of creating media with a full work schedule. Still some good commentary on how modern media parallels the the demands of private sector employers.
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: Learn the story of how a comic book store helped teach an awkward kid everything he needed to know about business, and maybe a little bit about life!
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: When looked at from the perspective of the employee, Career Theory is great. When looked at from the perspective of the Employer... maybe not so much? Listen and Decide for yourself!
Gadget: Updates on the Switch and the 1080ti
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Organizations that look like a pyramid are easier to understand but they are going away in the wake of flat organizations with many direct and adjacent organizational structures intertwined. This is both a benefit and a challenge for the organization!
Gadget: AMD Ryzen Processor
Who am I: Tech Decision Making
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
With hundreds of published articles, Peluso Presents is your weekly source for commentary, ideas and insight in navigating the collision between work and life.
to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
For those who are on the go, every episode of the Peluso Presents podcast includes a reading of a highlighted post as well as other great entertaining information. Available wherever you get your podcast fix from! Subscribe and please don’t forget to review it on iTunes!
the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Get reminders of articles, Tweet AT me, and occasionally see some other great tweets by Mike!
your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
For those who still like to communicate old school!
Support the Effort (Please):
If you like what you are reading and hearing, then please be one of the first to help support this effort. 100% of Patreon donations will go to enhancing our offerings in all of the formats that we currently provide content in!
Goals are important, but sometimes the goals change or are redefined and that can cause challenges for everything around you.
Is it better to be Selfless or Selfish in business? What about your personal life? This weeks show is all about if it's business or personal. Oh, µA makes a return appearance when we discuss dream Cars! Learn what her favorite color car is!
A breakdown box is a telecom test set that destroys the weak spots in cables on purpose. We have similar events in our life. In both instances the real problem can be found after the breakdown happens!
the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
With hundreds of published articles, Peluso Presents is your weekly source for commentary, ideas and insight in navigating the collision between work and life.
to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
For those who are on the go, every episode of the Peluso Presents podcast includes a reading of a highlighted post as well as other great entertaining information. Available wherever you get your podcast fix from! Subscribe and please don’t forget to review it on iTunes!
the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Get reminders of articles, Tweet AT me, and occasionally see some other great tweets by Mike!
your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
For those who still like to communicate old school!
the Effort (Please):
If you like what you are reading and hearing, then please be one of the first to help support this effort. 100% of Patreon donations will go to enhancing our offerings in all of the formats that we currently provide content in!
Description: Short show today, just some updates and an awesome post of the week about Youth extending in both directions!
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: Do Video games really make people happy enough to eschew work? Here is the real deal on it.
Who am I: Childhood exposure to local politics and how it affected me.
Gadget: Initial thoughts on the Nintendo Switch Reveal
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com/
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Learn where Goldman Sachs hits the nail on the head. The report that is the foundation of this podcast is the most important thing I read in 2016
Gadget Review: J4205-ITX motherboard.
Who Am I: In Lieu of resolutions I keep lists, here is my electronics list for 2017.
Please share this very special Christmas episode of the Peluso Presents Podcast.
We will return to our regular format and regular schedule starting on January 2nd.
Pride can be both a great asset and a liability when it comes to career decisions. Learn how Pride can be a great thing and how it can be a horrible thing. BONUS: New Segment, learn why Amazon's Kindle HD is such huge missed opportunity.
Ever wonder why HR is always so chipper? Why the HR teams seem so excited when they have things like Appreciation lunches, and certificates of recognition? Generally it's because they are not empowered to do the things that really need to be done for the workforce. Learn about the world of HR and why you may want to bring them some chocolate ice cream the next time there is a problem at the facility they have to deal with.
What would happen if we all knew the conversation AFTER we left the interview room? This weeks episode argues that we'd all be the better for it. In the Who am I section, learn my thoughts on Christmas.
Description: Today's show is all about the realities of the Donald Trump Presidency, realities that both sides of the political spectrum don't really talk about much. It's also about how business can influence your political perspective.
Who am I: Learn about my Political Journey
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: Wall Street and big business can be mature, stable, thoughtful and they sometimes aren't. Sometimes they are the most immature things that exist, so much that they give little children a run for their money!
Who am I: I started as a neoconservative , now I am something different. See where I started politically and how my perspective, if not my views, have changed.
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
In a shorter than typical Halloween episode this week I discuss the reasons why we wear masks in the workplace.
Note: In an effort to speed up my production time I've decided to skip the Who am I segment this week. My goal is to figure out what segments need to stay and which ones need to go. If i'm writing
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
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Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents