What happens when you are so surprised by a cool new business concept? You write and talk about it of course, even if it's not a usual topic of the show. Learn all about the Crazy Business Model, Opportunities for Professionals and Caution you should maintain for: My Home at Sea! Anchors Away!
There's a hole in the child care system Dear Liza, Dear Liza, there is a hole in the childcare system, Dear Liza, There is a hole! There's no way to fix it Dear Henry, Dear Henry, there's no way to Fix it Dear Henry, No Way!!
Bonus Content: Learn about how a mile long line in front of Best Buy turned into a plate of eggs.
What happens when a brilliant professional workforce that's been trained to understand complex situations and problem solve is faced with a lack of information? They engage in sensemaking, unfortunately there can be problems with this...
Bonus: Learn about an awesome band and an interesting concert, and a preview of a chromebook with android apps.