Here it is, our annual "Top 5" episode where we highlight five really amazing stories from the prior year. If you like these articles, check out the rest from 2023 and other years. - Also thanks so much to all those who supported us in 2023, we appreciate it!!
It's hard to get an unbiased sense of where we stand compared to others. This show goes into one technique my brother used as child and one technique I use today. In both cases, they helped us better understand the scope of the world and our place in it.
The Law of Convenience is almost akin to a law of physics or nature that you can almost never get around. Here is another example of how I ultimately walked away from something important to me, somethign I worked hard at, simply because of convenience was working against me.
Some people spend a large part of their lives working in a job that their personality simply isn't a good fit for. Yet, emotions like fear or career inertia keep them in that same type of job. The first step out of that rut is to see that you aren't a good fit for the job you are doing.
There are so many things in life we can do, and sadly, life is finite. So we can't get it all done, but we can certainly do a bunch. The key is to turn "someday" into "now"!
Something unique happened during the pandemic. Many women went from working and paying daycare, to being stay at home mom's and they realized, on the whole, their life got better. Now Corporate America wants them back on the job. Can they be wooed back?
I've teleworked since before there was the word 'telework'. Now it's both a blessing and a curse to employers and employees alike. Here on some of my thoughts on the topic.
In this final show on the big difference in what businesses want out of their employees and what they want out of their cusotmers we look at the role of Government. Can government help with this conflict, or is any government involvement an issue?
There is a big difference in what businesses want out of their employees and what they want out of their cusotmers. This is the second of three shows on this major conflict. Today's show looks at if a Flexible Lablor Market can be good for the employee?
Making new friends is a critical skill to get through life healthy and happy. There are times when we need to make new friends more than others, but we should always be fostering new friendships wherever possible.
What happens when you are in the rare position of having a good stable job, yet a career advancement becomes a possiblity? Do you take the new job? Do you stay where you are at?
Their are a bunch of issues that only single people have when they are the parent of an only child. What are these problems and can this Single Single Syndrome be cured? Listen to find out!
Often businesses, especially those in the luxury space, thrive on quality. Then the suits and bean counters get involved, and little by little, slowly but surely, qualiety dies a corporate death!
There are people in the world who don't wish to change or understand more than their small world view. They can't adapt to a changing world and they make everyone around them suffer for it.
We all have our comfort zones in work and life. Most People have a tendency to want to stay in their comfort zone, yet, there is a real benefit to getting out of our comfort zone.
Standing up and saying the thing that everyone is thinking, but doesn't want to say, has some real negatives. It also has some real positives. This show talks about the value of being the one who's always pointing out the obvious flaws of what's being presented or promoted to a group.
There are some people in the world who are completely unreasable. They can make life very difficult. How can you deal with them? This show includes some great tactics to deal with the unreasonable and irrational!