Decisions that impact your work and life can be made by supervisors, by committee's and increasingly by software robots. How do you handle these decision makers? What should your tactic be? This show is all about the types of decision makers and what we need to consider when dealing with them!
Often leadership seminars spend a great deal of time discussing understanding the different personality types in the office. Never do they discuss how those personality types align to leadership, nor do they discuss their long term impact on the culture of the work environment. The Darwinian environment of Corporate America leads to a Caustic Competition which can have a real impact on the lives of everyone at the company. This article offers a deep dive on what the personality types are that define corporate culture, and how they can make your job challenging, to say the least!
Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook aren't really computer or software companies, they are platform companies. It's their platforms that are the core of their power and valuations. Platforms don't have to be the tool of trillion dollar tech companies, we all can, and should have a platform. Listen to this show to learn what a personal platform is, and how you could benefit from having one!
We see the logos everywhere. They are on T-shirts, on buildings, at the State Fair, and even on the shirts of people who are selling us hotdogs at the local ball park. You'll see the the Lions, Kiwanis, Local Fraternities / Sororities, and others. For the professional, the question is: Are these social groups beneficial to your career and your life? Why should you join them when you can just hang out with your friends? This show is all about these groups and everything related to them.
The Purple Squirrel, or more precisely the Purple Squirrel Candidate is the idea that the perfect person for a job is impossible to find. Technically anyone can be a Purple Squirrel for a job that matches there highly specific experience and education. There is a pro and a con to be in that position and that's what this show is all about.
There are long term trends all around us. Often they aren't easy to see. If we train ourselves to be aware of them, they can not only give us insight, but also give us valuable information about the bigger decisions we need to make in life. Today's show is all about these trends, and what they mean for both our personal and professional lives!
Private equity, as an industry is a machine that is the business equivalent of injecting nitrous oxide into a car engine. You get a great deal of performance for a short period of time, but it stresses and breaks the things that make up the formerly reliable engine. In the case of Private equity, it's enhanced profits, usually at the expense of people who made up the company.
Three times in the month that I wrote this article I heard stories from three different private equity buyouts. Counting my own experience, all four were intensely scary, stressful, and ultimately very damaging to the average employee at the respective firms. This vent piece asks the question: When can we get Private Equity from a Win-Loose to a Win-Win for everyone involved?
Not everything in 2020 was worth forgetting. One thing that is definitely worth remembering again is the Peluso Presents Top 5 of 2020. Haven't listened in a while? Got a long drive coming up? This show highlights the the best Peluso Presents commentary from 2020 on the collision points between work and life. It's a great way to get introduced to the show if your new to it or just go back and revisit some interesting and thought provoking ideas!
Burn & Churn jobs exist in every sector. They are the jobs where you are hired with false promises and that burn people out quickly. Most individual contributors have experienced the "joys" of them at some point in their careers. The Biggest impact can happen when the B&C jobs happen at senior levels, as then it can affect hundreds or thousands. This show is all about how and why it happens, and what you should do about it!
Grandma used to say it all the time when I was growing up, and I can still hear it in my head today: "Michael, get your education, so you can go get a good job, a real job!" That job that grandma wanted me to get, it doesn't exist anymore. The landscape of employment has mutated so much that I don't think grandma would recognize it if she was alive today. So, one day when I found myself parroting grandma, I realized that I never really defined what a "Real Job" is in the modern era. This show is all about that, what exactly is needed to make any job into as grandma said "A good job, a REAL job"? Listen and find out...
Everyone goes on a rant occasionally, and today is my day. First, in the intro, it's about online retailers and high demand products in the age of Covid. Then in our article it's about a classic parenting moment of extreme frustration. The latter turned into a brief but powerful reflection on short term vs. long term decision making.
Most of us have been there at some point in our careers. Our jobs ask us to do something we find incredibly distasteful. What should you do? Hold your nose and do the thing? Resist on principal? Quit? Today's show explores our options for when we inevitably find ourselves experiencing character conflict at work.
Big Problems, Big Solutions looks at some of the biggest problems of our day and attempts to come up with an out of the box solution.
This BPBS commentary is all about the widening wealth gap, and what role equity plays in that gap. More importantly it shows how we can flip the equity tool to start to close the gap and change people's working lives for the better!
A regular mantra of employers today is the complaints about the next generation of the workforce. This is a fairly standard conversation by hiring managers when every new generation enters the workforce. Yet, this time there is something different going on. A higher percentage of this new generation of workers just don't buy in to the idea of a workplace commitment at all. Today's article is all about how a generation of employers who have become experts at shifting business risk to their employees and avoiding all forms of long term employer / employee commitment created a generation of workers who are are a reflection of this reality. A reflection that's not what employers are happy to see and they have no one to blame but themselves!
Amassing, Collecting, or Hoarding, as it's known today is a something that seems to happen to many people. We have a little stuff, and then in the blink of an eye we have tons of stuff... and we ask ourselves, "Where did this all come from?" The more important question is "What should you do with it all?" and that question is explored in this weeks show!
Have you ever gotten frustrated because something doesn't work the way you want it? Maybe your eyes aren't 20/20, your sugar levels are never actually level, or like me, you can't control your weight no matter how much diet and exercise you throw at it? Today's show is all about those issues, and the decisions we have to make. Fair warning, there is a bit of TMI relating to my personal health issues, as I used them as examples throughout the show. If you are ok with that, and you have often struggled with your own physical limitations, then this show will be just what the doctor ordered!
I was pulled into an unexpected meeting and as an aside in the meeting I was told I have a WIIFM personality. I had no idea what that meant. Then I realized, everyone has one of these personalities, but for some reason, it's not looked at positively, even though it's, in my opinion, a reality of human existence. Listen and decide for yourself.
I'm good at many things, so are you. Yet, no one is exceptional at all things. This results in life situations where we are kinda good at something, but the situation calls for someone who is exceptional at it. We can figure it out if it's in our personal life, but it gets challenging when it happens at work. This show is all about when we can't be kinda good, when they really want exceptional.
Screw ups happen. Because of the nature of our professional world, and really because of human nature, there is often a scapegoat, an individual to blame when fertilizer hits the air circulation system. If you are the recipient of that blame, the consequences can be huge for both your professional and personal lives. It follows that it is best to always use a modicum of caution in your professional life. There are many best practices in this regard, and this show includes some of them. Listen and learn how you can keep your derriere from being overly exposed as you go about your work and life.
Also, Turns out I did get the bonus show out the door as episode 145, so this is episode 146.
When it's time to move on to new and uncharted career territory, many folks will say goodbye to their old colleagues through email or a phone call. The lesser used option is to do it through a special edition of your regular podcast. I chose this option. Listen, and hear a fun little farewell with some great career info, and maybe a bit of a surprise at the end.
In life it's easier, but not always wise, to be our 'real selves'. In the professional world, it's different. Emotions and issues that are part of life tend not to work well in the work world. When and where can we be real? When do we have to be fake? Listen for some Real conversation about being Fake!
The greatest limiter on all our grand aspirations is time. There is time to do some of the big things we want in life like a career and family, but little left for other major efforts. This limitation is the rule of 2.5. Why does the rule exist? Is there a way around it? Listen and find out!
Everyone makes assumptions, it's necessary to function in life. Some assumptions, say if you assume the milk you grab at the supermarket is ok without looking at the date has a limited impact on your life. But some, like making assumptions about your career, can have HUGE long term impact. This show is all about those big impact assumptions.
I knew rose. I interacted with her through the years. Then one day, in a moment, without knowing she did it, she demonstrated to me the realities of the retirement challenges in the modern era.
As we mature over time, we stop seeing things in black and white. Shades of grey start to become the pallet of choice as we explore the issues of the day. There is some real value in our developing perspectives which can help us thrive in work and life.