Had a friend drop by and we decided to talk about what she does, and what she does is get people jobs with the Department of Public Safety. It's an interesting interview that really speaks to how surprisingly broad some government departments are!
There are a million different pundits talking about goal setting. But how many talk about managing your goals? When to keep them, when to change them and when to ditch them? That's what this week's show is all about!
What happens when we let young and inexperienced kids choose a career and add it to a system that facilitates friction free student loans? We get a society with crazy levels of student loan debt for careers that don't match what people are actually doing. Here is one crazy idea that would put an end to all those problems!
It's human to want to communicate, but sometimes we communicate too much. Sometimes we communicate too little. Knowing how much to share can be a learned skill or an art. It's something we all have to figure out in work and in life.
With the COVID-19 virus spreading, many people have down time on their hands. Unfortunately that time can be sucked up by time wasters. This is something we should guard against at work and at home, virus or not.
Life is problems, most of the solutions are tried and true. Need money? Learn a skill and go to work. Need healthcare? Go to a doctor. But sometimes people get hooked into believing in miracle solutions promoted with cultish zeal. Then, they want to hook you too.
Telecom companies and other employers have something in common. Neither wants to make the long term investment even though the longer ROI will have exponential benefits over the short term. Listen and learn how a lesson from one can teach us about the challenges of the other.
There has been a veritable explosion in streaming services. There is so much activity, that between when I wrote this post of the week, about a year ago, and when it posted, the landscape has massively changed. The core conversation about cutting the cord, and cutting the streaming services too hasn't changed. Is streaming really worth it? Listen and decide!
In life, the productive people tend to be goal driven in some way shape or form. Oftentimes we may not be able to meet our goals, or we just may fail at them. Listen to this show and learn how you can still achieve your goals using the secret of the three R's.
When one thinks about alternative lifestyle ideas, most people don't think about flexibility and limiting liability. The world of the professional does think about these topics, and there are ways to make it happen to the extreme! Here are six of them.
It's time again for our annual "Best of" where we highlight our 5 best posts of the week! We even have a bonus post of the week in this XL sized show filled with collision points commentary goodness!
This week's Post of the Week is all about a sarcastic response I got when I asked a friend how they were doing. It made me think about what that person was really thinking and feeling and what we think and feel when our work is not aligned to who we are or what we want.
This week also includes my review of the new Pixel 4XL cell phone. Don't let other reviews scare you. This is one amazing phone, listen to find out what makes it so great and the one little thing that isn't great.
Every year many professionals get the invite to their organization's annual holiday gathering. These events are considered a pain by some and a highly anticipated party to others. The reality is that is both of those things and more. This weeks episode let's us explore holiday parties from all angles. Listen and be prepared for your own Holiday Party!
Sometimes we find that we are the low end of the salary distribution for our job. The normal reaction is to be insulted and try and change the situation to be on par with our colleagues, but maybe, just maybe it's a good idea to be paid a bit lower than the next guy or gal. Also, this episode includes a review of the best TV available today!
Oftentimes in our career, we are asked to lead, or be a big part of, something we know is going to be an unmitigated disaster or a complete failure. Sooner or later it's unavoidable. There can be real negative consequences for the professional in these situations. So how can you best handle them? Listen to this show for both public and private sector examples of disasters and a few great tips on how to navigate these intense situations!
NOTE: This show was intentionally published a few days later than normal to give a bit more time for Episode 125, our big live special, to be at the top of the feed. Thanks for your understanding!
Listen in to this bonus show to hear some of the most impactful minds in workforce development talking about Leadership, Life and have a few laughs along the way! LIVE from the 2019 NCWorks Partnership Conference!
We all know everyone has flaws in their life. The challenges of some people tend toward the extreme. The big question then becomes, should you accept them as a regular component of your life? This week we explore the pro's and con's of it. We also share when you really do need to eject someone from your life.
IMPORTANT: Stay tuned for a very special live edition episode 124!
What's on your Bucket List? Do you think you will be able to achieve those goals? Is it fantasy or is there some reality in what you dream of? All these thoughts and more are explored in this week's Post of the Week. Also, don't forget that next show (ep 123) we are scheduled to have our first major live event!
Batteries are everywhere, they are in every facet of our our work and home lives. Technology advancement in power storage has progressed but nowhere near rate of the things that batteries are powering. This means we have more and more stuff that that rely on to do more and more things in our life and it's all powered by battery tech that is nearly as limited today as it was a hundred years ago. This show is about batteries, just make sure your phone or mp3 has a full charge so you can to listen to the whole thing.
This week's show asks a couple of simple questions. The first question, "Is your organization more about perceptions or outcomes?", is about the employer. The second question, "Do you fit in there?" is about you. Turns out the answers to these questions aren't easy in a world filled with highly complex organizations. Listen on to explore this topic!
Quiet time is an important part of most people's day. It's a moment to reflect, and charge up for the onslaught of the collision points we have to deal with throughout our lives. This show is all about the quiet time we all need every day.
Also, we have some news about the show, specifically some new equipment and events.
What started as a Post of the Week commentary on the value of digital Networking, think LinkedIn or Facebook, became a strong guide on how to properly structure a networking event in the professional world. It's a little long, and a little detailed, but the information in this PotW is really strong for anyone who wants to make more connections in their Professional lives!
Also, check out the Media Musings Segment after the Post of the Week for a last minute review of Jon Anderson's 1000 hands tour.
If you have ever sat down with a financial planner or read an article about how much is needed in liquid savings, i.e. cash on hand? You've probably were told to keep 3-6 months in savings. If your one of those people, which is to say most people, who doesn't save, I would agree. If you are a saver, then is that advice correct? The answer is actually "No", but you have to listen to this post of the week to find out why! Warning: The post has *gasp* numbers in it!
Disappointment happens at work, at home, and in every aspect of our life. It happens when we reach and don't succeed and it happens when we do nothing but the world around us changes. No matter if you are at life or work, understanding the impact of disappointment and figuring out how to deal with it is important to navigating the worlds of work and life!
In the past, the robots took over 'good' factory jobs and it took decades before the workforce recovered, and some would argue it never recovered. The same thing is happening to professionals, as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Cloud are all coming together to displace the types of jobs that used to require a college degree. Sectors like Engineering, Financial, Medical, and even Information Technology itself are all being affected. What can you do to Survive? Listen to this show and learn what your options are!