Learn how very savvy business leaders keeps their best as employees even after they leave the company!
Also the first ever Media Musings segment! Learn about how Horizon New Dawn is the most beautiful and one of the best written Sci Fi stories ever!
Media Musings: Horizon New Dawn
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: It's not terrorists or mechanical issues that make air travel a minefield for Professionals, but the airports themselves! Listen and find out why for pleasure or work travel, how to avoid getting caught in bombs of convenience!
Who am I: I love long drives by myself, like really long drives. Like really really long drives. Find out why!
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents
Description: Learn about how we can turn every career into an Encore Career. There are only a few big areas to address, the challenge is that these areas of life are very big and hard to change.
Gadget: Vizio 2.1 Sound Stand
Sponsor Link: https://rileyscancersupport.com
Don't Forget:
Read the Blog: www.PelusoPresents.com/
Listen to the Podcast: http://pelusopresents.libsyn.com/
Join the Conversation: https://twitter.com/PelusoPresents
Share your input: Peluso AT Outlook.com
And most importantly:
Support the Effort: https://www.patreon.com/pelusopresents