In this very special halloween episode we discover all the really scary things in the world!
What is it like when you just can't sleep because work and life is so stressful? Listen to find out what my nights are like and maybe see that your not alone!
Ever wonder why big initiatives in work and life don't pan out? It's because we tend to stop at one thing, when in reality we need two things, two vectors to accomplish the goals. This episode shows you how to do that, and ultimately be more successful.
Also, get the real information on why Grants are not the solution that everyone thinks they are.
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Ever need an escape just for a moment but can't get away from the office? That escape is a daydream about the place we want to be. Learn all about these Daydream Destinations in this week's show. Also, a Who Am I about Business Trips and a New Segment!!!
My buddy sent me the news via text. They got the job!! It's amazing how much was said in the short text message, it really was a great commentary on today's job market if you take a good hard look at it!